Yellow Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens pallida).
Also known as Pale Touch-Me-Not or Jewelweed. The name
“Touch-Me-Not” comes from the explosive seedpods,
which give no end of entertainment to children and any
adults who are not beyond being entertained by natural
amusements. The pods have parallel ribs connected by a
thin membrane, and the membrane gets thinner and
weaker as the pod ripens. At length the membrane can
be ruptured by the slightest touch, and then the ribs
instantly coil into springs, sending seeds flying in
all directions.
Orange Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens capensis).
Also known as Spotted Touch-Me-Not. Very similar to
the Yellow or Pale Touch-Me Not (I. pallida),
and often found in the same colony. Most of the
differences are subtle; I. capensis tends to have
smaller, darker leaves, often with a noticeable bluish
tinge. The flowers, however, leave no doubt about the
species: the bright orange of I. capensis is instantly