Flora Pittsburghensis

Wild Stonecrop (Sedum ternatum)

Sedum ternatum

An attractive native Sedum that likes rocky hillsides in open woods. This one grew on a small stone outcropping on a wooded hillside in Mount Lebanon, where it was blooming in the middle of May.

Sedum ternatum

Gray describes the genus and the species:

SEDUM [Tourn.] L. STONECROP. ORPINE. Calyx-lobes and petals 4-5. Stamens 8-10. Follicles many-seeded; a little scale at the base of each. Chiefly perennial smooth and thick-leaved herbs, with cymose or one-sided inflorescence. Petals almost always narrow and acute or pointed. (Name from sedere, to sit, alluding to the manner in which these plants fix themselves upon rocks and walls.)

S. ternatum Michx. Stems spreading, 7-15 cm. high; leaves flat, the lower whorled in threes, wedge-obovate, the upper scattered, oblong; cyme 3-spiked, leafy; petals white. Rocky woods, Ct. to Ga., w. to Mich., Ind., and Tenn. May.

Family Crassulaceae (Sedum Family).   |   Index of Families.