Flora Pittsburghensis


Geranium or Cranesbill Family

Geranium maculatumWild Geranium (Geranium maculatum). Also known as Cranesbill, because of the distinctive seedpods that look like the head of a long-billed bird. The “bill” is an ingenious spring-loaded mechanism that, when the pod dries, suddenly releases and flings the seeds into the air with amazing force. The five-petaled flowers come in shades of pink ranging from lavender to deep rose.

Erodium cicutariumStorksbill (Erodium cicutarium). These pretty little geranium flowers are astonishingly adaptable; they came from Europe, but have made themselves at home as far north as Greenland and as far south as Texas. In some places they are listed as a noxious weed. In the Pittsburgh area they are actually relatively rare, known only in Allegheny County and not yet found in any of the surrounding area.

Index of Families.