Flora Pittsburghensis

Bear Corn (Conopholis americana)

Conopholis americana

These curious plants need no chlorophyll, because they are parasites on the roots below them, though they are probably not large or numerous enough to be a serious inconvenience to the trees on which they feed. These particular plants were growing on a wooded hillside in Frick Park, where they were photographed in the middle of May.

Gray describes the genus and the species:

CONÓPHOLIS Wallr. SQUAW-ROOT.CANCER-ROOT. Flowers with 2 bractlets at the base of the irregularly 4-5-toothed calyx, its tube split down on the lower side. Corolla tubular, swollen at base; upper lip arched, notched at the summit, the lower shorter, 3-parted, spreading. Stigma depressed. Capsule with 4 placentae, a pair on the middle of each valve. — Upper scales forming bracts to the flowers, regularly imbricate, not unlike those of a fir-cone (whence the name, from konos, a cone, and pholis, a scale).

С americana (L. f.) Wallr.— In woods, mostly under oaks, in clusters among fallen leaves; s. Me. to Mich., s. to Fla. and Tenn. May, June. — A singular plant, chestnut-eojored or yellowish throughout, as thick as a man’s thumb, 1-2.5 dm. high, covered with fleshy scales, which become dry and hard.

Family Orobanchaceae (Broomrape Family).   |   Index of Families.