A very attractive flower that can form large colonies
near streams; this colony was blooming in early June
near a small stream in Peters Township. The flowers
may be either violet-blue or white. The much less
common Appendaged
Waterleaf (H. appendiculatum) has a
looser cluster of blue or blue-violet flowers and
maple-shaped leaves, rather than the distinctively
divided leaves of the Virginia Waterleaf.
Although Gray says the name Hydrophyllum (Greek
for “Waterleaf”) is “of no obvious application,” other
observers trace the name to the whitish blotches that
may appear on the leaves, looking like water stains.
Gray describes the genus and the species:
HYDROPHYLLUM [Tourn.] L. WATERLEAF. Calyx 5-parted,
sometimes with a small appendage in each sinus, early
open in the bud. Corolla bell-shaped, 5-cleft; the
lobes convolute in the bud: the tube furnished with 5
longitudinal linear appendages opposite the lobes,
forming a nectariferous groove. Stamens and style
mostly exserted; lilainents more or less bearded.
Ovary bristly hairy (as is usual in the family); the
placentae soon free from the walls except at the top
and bottom. Capsule ripening 1-4 seeds,
spherical.—Perennials, with petioled ample leaves, and
wvhite or bluish-purple cymose-clustered flowers.
(Name formed of hydor, water, and phyllon,
leaf; of no obvious application.)
H. virginianum L. Smoothish, 2-7 dm. high;
leaves pinnately divided; the divisions 5-7,
ovate-lanceolate or oblong, pointed, sharply
cut-toothed, the lowest mostly 2-parted, the uppermost
confluent; peduncles longer than the petioles of the
upper leaves, forked; calyx-lobes narrowly linear,
bristly-ciliate; flowers 1 cm. or less long; anthers
oblong-linear. Rich woods, N. H. and w. Que., westw.
and southw. May-Aug. H. patens Britton,
indistinguishable as to foliage, is said to differ in
its somewhat more ciliate petioles, appressed
calyx-lobes, and more spreading corolla-lobes.